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WAGAP, Nch'i Wana Housing, buddy, heaters, houseless, homeless, heating, LIHEAP

Washington Gorge Action Programs

suicide, prevention, training, youth, Our Klickitat, CPAKC, K-Link, WAGAP

Washington Gorge Action Programs

Fitness, community, class, WAGAP, Zumba

Washington Gorge Action Programs

family, families, WAGAP, Washington Gorge Action Programs, programs, letter

Washington Gorge Action Programs

Prevention, youth, youth program, Our Klickitat, CultureSeed, Joanna, Turner, WAGAP

Washington Gorge Action Programs

Recently several numbers were circulated with the suggestion that funds from the Klickitat County and City of Goldendale Lodging Tax programs were mishandled by the Greater Goldendale Area (GGA) Chamber of Commerce over the past three years. This has introduced questions about unused funds and the accountability of the Chamber along with the records of the City. So, what happened?

Greater Goldendale Area Chamber of Commerce
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